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Foreign Students

The Statistical unit of the Universities also publish statistics on exchange students. This statistics counts students being registered at the institutions and not finished stays as Statistics Denmark. Danish students will, in general, have the same registered education in Demark and on their exchange trip. However there can be differences which is usually because of one of two cases: 2. Some students are on exchange on a bachelor or masters education, while registered on a PH.D. in Denmark, this is possible because some students begin a PH.D. before ending their bachelor/masters degree.

Comparability - geographical

The data collection follows the EU manual: Methodological manual on learning mobility in tertiary education, i.e. comparisons across countries are possible. However, other countries may have slightly other definitions of exchange students.

Comparability over time

The statistic has figures from 2009-2010 onwards. Data is comparable over the years. For reasons of quality of the data only data from the educational year 2009-2010 onwards are available in the Statbank.

Coherence - cross domain

The Danish universities report data on exchange students to the Statistical Office of Danish Universities, who publishes similar data for the individual universities. However, the definition of an exchange students differs from the definition used by Statistics Denmark. E.g. exchange students entrants are reported and not finished visits which is the basis for the data in Statistics Denmark. For further details see The Statistical Services of the Universities - Internalization.

Coherence - internal

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