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Government Finances
Stefan Koch Olsen
+45 51 23 92 17

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Financial accounts for general government

Quarterly financial accounts make up a consistent system, showing the financial flows and net worth of the general government sector of the economy over time. The financial accounts for the general government sector, the financial (transactions) account, which shows buying and selling of financial instruments, describes an important part of the transition from the opening balance sheet account to the closing balance sheet account. Because the financial instruments are valued at market price, another important part of the transition is made up by revaluations, which are shown in the revaluation account. The remaining part is found in the account of other changes in volume, showing e.g. losses on debtors and relocations of units between sectors. As a general rule opening balance sheet + financial transactions + revaluations + other change in volume = closing balance sheet should always hold. When published the revaluation account and the account of other change in volume are combined. The statistics is published both consolidated and unconsolidated and with counterpart information for the domestic and foreign sector, respectively. The economic measures and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic affects the financial accounts for the general government, but the data quality is not significantly reduced.

Data description

Quarterly financial accounts make up a consistent system, showing the financial flows and net worth of the general government sector of the economy over time. The financial accounts for the general government sector, the financial (transactions) account, which shows buying and selling of financial instruments, describes an important part of the transition from the opening balance sheet account to the closing balance sheet account. Because the financial instruments are valued at market price, another important part of the transition is made up by revaluations, which are shown in the revaluation account. The remaining part is found in the account of other changes in volume, showing e.g. losses on debtors and relocations of units between sectors. As a general rule opening balance sheet + financial transactions + revaluations + other change in volume = closing balance sheet should always hold. When published the revaluation account and the account of other change in volume are combined.

Classification system

  • S.13: General government
  • S.1311: Central government
  • S.1313: Local government
  • S.1314: Social security funds

Sector coverage

  • S.13: General government
  • S.1311: Central government
  • S.1313: Local government
  • S.1314: Social security funds

Statistical concepts and definitions

ESA2010: Concepts used in the financial accounts for General government are in full correspondence to the definitions stated in "the European system of accounts, ESA 2010".

Statistical unit

  • S.13: General government
  • S.1311: Central government
  • S.1313: Local government
  • S.1314: Social security funds

Statistical population

The general government sector consisting of Central government, local governments, and social security funds.

Reference area


Time coverage

The time series covers the period 1995 and onwards.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

DKK million.

Reference period

The statistics are compiled by quarter and calendar year.

Frequency of dissemination

Quarterly and yearly.

Legal acts and other agreements

  • Section 6 of the Act on Statistics Denmark.
  • Council Regulation (EU) No. 549/2013 of 21. May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the Community (ESA 2010).
  • Council Regulation (EU) No. 501/2004 of 10 March 2004 on quarterly financial accounts for general government.

Cost and burden

The response burden is small as most of the data are collected by others: Danmarks Nationalbank, Finansstyrelsen, Realkredit Danmark, Finansministeriet and KommuneKredit.


Financial accounts for each sector of the economy are available in the series: "National accounts and balance of payments, Financial accounts.

A thorough description of financial accounts definitions is available in: "European System of Accounts ESA 2010".

The quarterly financial accounts for general government have undergone a benchmark revision since the last publication. In this benchmark revision, the statistics have been revised back to Q1 1995. The benchmark revision is a pan-European project that is carried out every 5 years. The purpose of the revision is to incorporate new knowledge and new methods and to ensure uniform calculation methods for all countries.