Statistical processing
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Data are collected among enterprises every second year. All enterprises with more than 50 employees are included plus few smaller ones where needed.
The results from data collection are grossed up to totals for each type of industry after data are imputed for the smaller enterprises. These results are supplemented by expenditures in water supply and data from R&D statistics on environmental R&D.
In years without data collection, the results are calculated using last years data, changes in turnover according to the account statistics, and the statistics on Investments in manufacturing industries
Source data
The statistics is compiled based on data collected at enterprises by a questionnaire. The frame is enterprises in the industrial sector with 50 or more employees plus smaller enterprises in selected types of industry. In total data are collected for 1,000 enterprises representing approximately 75 per cent of the economic activity in the population.
Results for NACE_rev2 36, water supply, is based on estimates. Cost for research and development within environmental protection is a part of the internal costs. These data are in beforehand collected as a part of the R&D statistics.
Frequency of data collection
Bi-annual, latest for 2022.
Data collection
Data is collected by using an online questionnaire.
Data validation
The submitted data undergo an error control. Fields that are either not completed or inadequately filled in are detected. Reporting in the "non-distributable" fields are also subject for investigations to look for more specific allocation
In addition, the ratio between environmental expenditures and total turnover is examined, in order to capture mistakes in the reporting. Further, data are compared to the data submitted the previous year, preferable for the single units.
Data compilation
The validated data are linked to data from Business Accounts Statistics to get the full population. Environmental expenditures is imputed for all enterprises not subject to data collection. It is assumed that expenditures per employee can be reproduced by the imputation.
In years without data collection a data set is established using last years data. New information on current costs are estimated by development in turnover for enterprises in the survey, based on the Business Accounts Statistics. New information on investment is based on the statistics on Investments in manufacturing, used general development as well as what is reported for the purpose "Environment and security". After this exercise, the imputation takes place as in other years.
For in particular the investments, the estimation are subject to insecurity.
First results are compiled using provisional account statistics. Final figures is based on use of final account statistics.
No regular annual adjustment is carried out.