Statistical presentation
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Business Dynamics, Business StatisticsEmil Tappe Bang-Mortensen
+45 24 67 85 25
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The statistics provides information on the distribution of total turnover on products and services. Furthermore information is collected on the turnover broken down by clients and information on the export broken down by residence of client (resident or Non-resident intra-EU or Non-resident extra-EU).
Data description
The statistics provides information on the distribution of total turnover and export on products and services for the sector Engineering activities and related technical consultancy. Furthermore information is collected on the turnover broken down by clients and information on the export broken down by residence of client (resident or Non-resident intra-EU or Non-resident extra-EU).
Classification system
The industry codes follows the Danish industrial classifications, Dansk Branchekode 2007 (DB07), which is the national version of NACE rev 2.
Sector coverage
The statistics covers enterprises that are legally registered in Denmark and have the main activity in the sector for Engineering activities and related technical consultancy.
The activity codes in the statistics are: - Consulting engineering activities within construction (DB07) 711210 - Consulting engineering activities within production and machinery technique (DB07) 711220 - Mounting and delivery of ready-made production plants (DB07) 711230 - Geological surveying and prospecting activities, chartered surveyors etc. (DB07) 711240 - Other technical consultancy (DB07) 711290.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Client: In the national publication the following clients are used:
- Public sector
- Households and non-profit institutions
- Enterprises
Residence of client: In the EU publication the resident of clients is used
- Resident
- Non-resident intra-EU
- Non-resident extra-EU
Services: Generally the questions in the questionnaire are based on Statistical Classification of Products by Activity CPA 2008 with adjustments to Danish conditions. The following services are used.
- Engineering advisory services
- Engineering services for building projects
- Engineering services for power projects
- Energy planning
- Renewable energy projects
- Other energy projects
- Engineering services for construction projects
- Waste management projects (harzadous and non-harzadous)
- Engineering services for water, sewerage and drainage projects
- Water projects
- Sewerage and drainage projects
- Engineering services for industrial and manufacturing projects
- Engineering services for telecommunications and broadcasting projects
- Engineering services for other projects
- Project management services for construction project
- Geological, geophysical and related prospecting and consulting services
- Sales
- Other products
The firms provide information about their turnover and export (in 1000 kr. without VAT). Further more the total turnover and export are distributed on services (in 1000 kr. without VAT) and clients (in percent). Finally, the export is divided by residence of client (resident and Non-resident intra-EU or Non-resident extra-EU). Until 2008 information on ownership was collected i.e. if the ownership is Danish, intra-EU or extra-EU.
Statistical unit
The units in the statistics are enterprises in the sector for Engineering activities and related technical consultancy. The enterprises are legal and defined by theirs CVR-nr in the Business Register of Statistics Denmark.
Statistical population
The statistic covers enterprises with at least 20 employees ultimo November in the reference year. In 2023 the population consisted of 206 enterprises.
Reference area
Time coverage
The statistics covers the time period from 2023 onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
The distributions of turnover (and export) by services and clients are given in DKK 1,000.
Reference period
The statistics covers the financial year.
Frequency of dissemination
The statistics is carried out every second year.
Legal acts and other agreements
The Act on Statistics Denmark (Lov om Danmarks Statistik), Section 8, cf. Order no. 599 of 22 June 2000.
From the reference year 2008: Regulation (EC) No. 295/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2008 concerning structural business statistics.
Cost and burden
The response burden has not been estimated for the reference year 2023.
The statistics has a subject page.