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National Accounts, Climate and Environment
Leif Hoffmann
+45 23 69 58 63

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Economy-wide material flow accounts

The Material Flow Accounts and raw material equivalents are relevant for anyone seeking information on the relationship between the economy and the use of natural resources. The results are pertinent for analyses of sustainable resource consumption, as domestic material consumption serves as an indicator for two of the UN's sustainability goals. The accounts are requested by ministries, agencies, consulting firms, among others. The accounts are part of the European environmental economic accounts collected by Eurostat.

User Needs

The Material Flow Accounts play a central role in building a deeper understanding of resource management and consumption patterns, both at the national and global levels. It can be used to evaluate resource efficiency, highlight sustainability challenges, and contribute to the transition towards sustainable production and consumption.

Users of the Material Flow Accounts include ministries, industry associations, research institutions, consulting engineering firms, and others who seek an overview of the connections between the economy and the environment.

User Satisfaction

The Material Flow Account is discussed with significant expert users within the Expert Committee for Environmental Economic Statistics and Accounts (EMØRS). Information on user satisfaction is not collected separately, but the needs and satisfaction of users are discussed within the contact committee.

Data completeness rate

Import and export data, along with the derived indicators in the EW-MFA can be considered complete. In order to fulfil the Eurostat’s requirements for completeness within the EW-MFA, some additional flows of residuals (emissions to air, among others), as well as material accumulation in the economy, have to be accounted for as well.