Statistical processing
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The Economic Accounts for Agriculture are calculated annually based on data from many different statistics, mainly from the agricultural statistics. The values of the different products are calculated using prices and quantities. Data is validated when the primary statistics are calculated but it is also validated when used in the calculation of the Economic Accounts for Agriculture.
Source data
The Economic Accounts for Agriculture consist of data on values of the agricultural production and intermediate consumption from many different statistics produced in Statistics Denmark. It is mainly statistics related to agriculture and the agricultural sector e.g.
Farm structure survey ( number of holdings and areas), Vegetable statistics (harvest results and stocks of crops), Animal statistics (livestock and livestock products), Intermediate Goods (feeding stuffs, fertilizers and pesticides), Accounts Statistics for Agriculture, Prices and price indices for Agriculture.
Data regarding the finance Act are used to the calculation of bank services and taxes. Other than that data from International trade is also used. Finally data from the Danish Agricultural Agency is used to the calculations on subsidies.
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Data are not gathered directly to the Economic Accounts for Agriculture but come from other existing statistics. A lot of the data is available in Statbank Denmark, whereas other materials are gathered in other agricultural statistics and the data is available here. Data on subsidies are delivered by the Danish Agricultural Agency.
Data validation
The data validation is made in different steps.
Data is validated in the primary statistics. When data is delivered to the Economic Accounts for Agriculture, data is checked again both in relation to the results former years and to the overall development. It is possible to check the primary data again if it is necessary. At the end the data is compared to each other and corrections can be made.
Data compilation
The data compilation is closely connected with the data validation. Overall are prices and quantities collected and the values of each product are calculated. At the same time it is taken into account that there are different boundaries for the different statistics where imputation can be used. Vegetable and Animal Sales Products: These prices and quantities are collected monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually and in various quantities. Additionally, data is often collected at a more detailed level than the calculation of EAA. Therefore, data must be processed to ensure that values and quantities represent the total annual value and production as calculated in the EAA.
Agricultural Services and Expenditures in Production Consumption, including Expenses for Energy, Pesticides, Seeds, Veterinary and Medical Costs, Repairs:
Here, the Agricultural Accounting Statistics are used, read about the statistics Regnskabsstatistik for jordbrug At the release of EAA in May, data from the Agricultural Accounting Statistics for the same year is not yet available. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on data from previous years and make imputations for items where there has been a significant development since the previous year. To make imputations, the price development is considered, and any estimates are obtained from, for example, feed companies or SEGES to assess the development within the individual items.
Supplement for small agricultural holdings: The sample coverage of the population of farms and horticultural businesses for Agricultural Accounting Statistics is smaller than the population for EAA, which covers all farms. Therefore, an adjustment is necessary to include small farms for items that use the Agricultural Accounting Statistics as a source. This applies to several cost items. The supplement is calculated based on the Standard Output (SO) of the Agricultural Accounting Statistics.
Culling of Mink in 2020:
In November 2020, the government decided that all mink should be culled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 15.7 million mink were culled, of which 7.4 million were pelts (equivalent to 47 percent), and 8.3 million were destroyed. The value of the pelts is included in the EAA for 2020, not the destroyed mink. The culling of mink has had an impact on EAA and has resulted in a decrease in animal sales products, especially the fur animals post, which has almost disappeared from 2021. The culling of mink is also reflected in a significant decrease in the consumption of fishmeal and fish waste as feed. Since January 2021, individual mink businesses have received compensation for, among other things, lost earnings as a result of the mink cullings. These payments are not included in EAA. The culling of mink means that fur skins have been discontinued from 2021 in the price and quantity index in the base year 2015=100 and from 2020 in the new base year 2020=100.
Corrections are not made on data other than what has already been described in data validation and data processing.