Statistical presentation
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Statistics for the Danish fleet of fishing vessels are based on those vessels that are registered in The Danish Fisheries Agency as commercial fishing vessels. A registration is needed for commercial fishing.
Data description
The statistics can be divided geographic on five Danish regions, number of vessels, gross tonnage and engine power i KW. Type of vessels is divided by fishing gear, for example trawlers. In the statistics are also offered a possibility to see vessels by length or gross tonnage.
The Statistics for the Danish fishing fleet consists of vessels registered in Denmark as fishing vessels. Registration of a fishing vessel requires a license issued by The Danish Fisheries Agency. The Danish Fisheries Agency administers a register of the Danish fishing fleet. The register was established in 1982, and it contains information on all Danish commercial fishing vessels. From 1995 even vessels of less than 6 meters are covered by the register and thus included in the statistics.
Classification system
In these statistics Danish fishing vessels are grouped by regions, type of vessels, length and gross tonnage.
Sector coverage
The statistics covers commercial fishery.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Type of vessels: The type of vessels is defined by the primary gear-use, fx trawlers.
Vessel for fishing: A registered vessel at the Danish Fisheries Agency with authorization for commercial fishing.
Statistical unit
Fishing vessels.
Statistical population
Danish fishing vessels are all vessels with authorization to commercial fishery.
Reference area
Denmark and divided in five regions: Hovedstaden, Sjælland, Syddanmark, Midtjylland og Nordjylland.
Time coverage
Base period
Not relevant.
Unit of measure
Number of vessels. Gross tonnage. Engine power in KW. Length of vessels. Vessels tonnage.
Reference period
Calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Data are from the Fisheries Agency register for fishing vessels. The register is based on Ministerial order No. 487 of 2 September 1981 amended by Ministerial Order No. 326 of 18 June 1982.
Cost and burden
The statistics are based on administrative register data.