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Population and Education, Social StatisticsJonas Ellemand
+45 24 90 74 98
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The statistics are published in: News from Statistics Denmark. In StatBank the statistics are published under the subject Convictions. Besides this the statistics form part of Statistical Ten-Year Review and the publication Kriminalitet (Criminality) (danish only). At Statistics Denmark's webpage the statistics furthermore are presented on its Subject page.
Release calendar
The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.
Release calendar access
The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.
User access
Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.
News release
The statistics on convictions are published annually in: News from Statistics Denmark in Domme for kriminalitet.
The statistics are annually published in Statistisk Tiårsoversigt (Statistical Ten-Year Review) (danish only) and in the publication Kriminalitet (Criminality) (danish only).
On-line database
The statistics are published in the StatBank under the subject Convictions in the following tables:
- STRAF43: Decisions total pr. 100.000 inhabitants by type of decision, age and sex
- STRAF42: Decisions by affiliation to Denmark, type of offence, type of decision, age, sex and time
- STRAF44: Decisions, total by region, type of offence, type of decision, age, sex and time
- STRAF46: Suspended sentence by region, sex, age, type of offence, type of decision, length of sentence and time
- STRAF47: Unsuspended sentence by region, sex, age, type of offence, type of decision, length of sentence and time
- STRAF40: Decisions by type of offence, type of decision, age, sex and time
- STRAF48: Average length (months) of suspended sentences by sex, age, type of offence, type of decision and time
- STRAF49: Average length of unsuspended sentences (month) by sex, age, type of offence, type of decision and time
- STRAF61: Decided secondary cases by type of offence, type of decision, age, sex and time
- LIGEPB4: Convictions for offenses against the person by type of offence, age, sex and time
- LIGEPI4: Gender equality indicator of convictions for offenses against the person by type of offence, age, indicator and time
Micro-data access
Data on convictions are kept as ready-made files containing basic information at individual level. Taylor made statistics can be prepared on bases of the ready-made files. Through Statistics Denmark's Division of Research Service it is possible for researchers to be granted access to anonymized data, i.e., data for which all identification details such as ID numbers have been removed.
Tables with information on convictions for selected types of offences are annually delivered to EUROSTAT. Final data are available to DST Consulting, The Division of Research Services and other users in Statistics Denmark in the form of module data.
Confidentiality - policy
In the preparing of Convictions the guidelines in Statistics Denmark's Data Confidentiality Policy are followed.
Confidentiality - data treatment
The published statistics on convictions is distributed by no other characteristica than municipality, sex and age. This ensures that convictions not can be related to individuals.
Documentation on methodology
Documentation of the variables in the statistics is available in TIMES. For selected variables High Quality Documentation is available.
A description of the statistical method may be found in the annual publication Kriminalitet (Criminality): Concepts and sources of the statistisc (danish only).
Quality documentation
Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.