Convicted Persons
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Population and EducationIsabell Hartvig Larsen
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The purpose of the statistics is to analyze the number of persons who have been found guilty in violation of the penal code and the special laws (among these the Danish Road Traffic Act). The statistics on convicted persons was published for the first time for the year 1995. Since then it has been published for the years 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2004 and hereafter annually.
Statistical presentation
The statistics shed light on the number of persons who have been convicted for violation of the penal code, the road traffic act and other special legislation. In the published statistics the convicted persons are classified into sex, age, municipality, national origin, country of origin and type of offence and conviction. From 2018-2021 also into citizenship and from 2021 into socio economic status and education.
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Statistical processing
Data from Statistics Denmark's register of convictions are linked to data from Statistics Denmark's population register and Statistics Denmark's income register. Data are already validated. However, central variables go through a probability check in form of a comparison with data from the previous year.
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The statistics are used broadly by the authorities, enterprises, organisations, researchers, the press, in the public debate etc. Views and suggestions from key users are taken into consideration in the preparation of the statistics.
Accuracy and reliability
The data used in the statistics are drawn from the Central Criminal Register. The data are typically drawn about 1 February following the relevant calendar year. A number of convictions made during the calendar year have not been registered before the data are drawn. This implies that the total number of convictions presumably is under-estimated.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published approximately 11 months after the end of the reference year. The statistics are published without delay in relation to the scheduled time.
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Since 1995, the statistics has been prepared on the same date source. In general the statistics is therefore comparable during time. As a consequence of law amendments or wishes for more information on specific kind of offences the division of type of offences has been altered during the years. An overview of new and ceased type of offences can be found in this annex (in Danish only): Development in types of offences.
Fines for violation of the road traffic act below DKK 2,500 are not included in the statistics as from 2012. In the period 2001-2011 the limit was DKK 1,500 and before 2001 DKK 1,000.
Accessibility and clarity
In StatBank the statistics are published in [Convicted Persons] (
Furthermore the statistics are published in the publication "Kriminalitet" (Criminality) and the publication "Indvandrere i Danmark" (Immigrants in Denmark, as from 2005).
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