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Prices and Consumption, Economic Statistics
Zdravka Bosanac
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Consumer Expectations Survey

Consumer monthly questions for: financial situation, general economic situation, price trends, unemployment, major purchases and savings. Consumer quarterly questions for: intention to buy a car, purchase or build a home, home improvements.

Data description

The statistics contain one overall consumer confidence indicator as well as 12 detailed indicators, which are called net figures on consumers' expectations of their own family and the country's economic situation. The overall consumer confidence indicator is a simple average of the net figures for the following five questions to consumers' expectations:

  • How is the financial situation of your household today compared with one year ago?
  • How do you think the financial situation of your household will be in a year compared with today?
  • How do you think the economic situation in Denmark is today compared with one year ago?
  • How do you think the economic situation in Denmark will be in a year compared with today?
  • Seen in the light of the economic situation do you think it is at present an advantage to make major purchases, such as TV sets, washing machines or similar, or it is better to wait?

The remaining seven indicators are about consumers expectations / assessments of:

  • How do you think the prices are today compared with one year ago?
  • Compared with the present situation how do you think the prices will develop during the next 12 months?
  • How do you think the level of unemployment will be in a year compared with today?
  • In the next 12 months how much will your household spend on major purchases compared with the last 12 months?
  • Do you consider it to be reasonable to put money aside in order to save up in the present economic situation?
  • Do you expect to put money aside in order to save up over the next 12 months? (Excluding savings such as repayments on priority loans and other loans)
  • How is the present financial situation of your household, or in other words: Do you spend more than you earn, or do you find it difficult to make ends meet, or are you able to put money aside?

In addition to the 12 monthly indicators, the statistics contain three additional quarterly indicators, which are net figures of consumers' future plans for major investments: How likely are you to buy a car over the next 12 months? Are you planning to buy or build a home over the next 12 months (to live in yourself, for a member of your family, as a holiday home, to let etc.)? How likely are you to spend any large sums of money on home improvements or renovations over the next 12 months?

Alternatives of answers and weights:

  • How has the financial situation of your household changed over the last 12 months?
  • Got a lot better 100
  • Got a little better 50
  • Stayed the same 0
  • Got a little worse -50
  • Got a lot worse -100

  • How do you expect the financial position of your household to change over the newt 12 months? It will¿

  • Get a lot better 100
  • Get a little better 50
  • Stay the same 0
  • Get a little worse -50
  • Get a lot worse -100

  • How do you think the general economic situation in the country has changed over the past 12 months? It has¿

  • Got a lot better 100
  • Got a little better 50
  • Stayed the same 0
  • Got a little worse -50
  • Got a lot worse -100

  • How do you expect the general economic situation in the country to develop over the next 12 months? It will¿

  • Got a lot better 100
  • Got a little better 50
  • Stayed the same 0
  • Got a little worse -50
  • Got a lot worse -100

  • In view of the general economic situation, do you think that now it is the right moment for people to make major purchases such as furniture, electrical/electronic devices, etc.?

  • Yes, it is the right moment now 100
  • It is neither the right moment nor the wrong moment 0
  • No, it is not the right moment now -100

  • How do you think that consumer prices have developed over the last 12 months? They have¿

  • Risen a lot 100
  • Risen moderately 50
  • Risen slightly 0
  • Stayed about the same -50
  • Fallen -100

  • By comparison with the past 12 months, how do you expect that consumer prices will develop in the next 12 months? They will¿

  • Increase more rapidly 100
  • Increase at the same rate 50
  • Increase at a slower rate 0
  • Stay about the same -50
  • Fall -100

  • How do you expect the number of people unemployed in this country to change over the next 12 months? The number will¿

  • Increase sharply 100
  • Increase slightly 50
  • Remain the same 0
  • Fall slightly -50
  • Fall sharply -100

  • Compared to the past 12 months, do you expect to spend more or less money on major purchases (furniture, electrical/electronic devices, etc.) over the next 12 months?

  • Much more 100
  • A little more 50
  • About the same 0
  • A little less -50
  • Much less -100

  • In view of the general economic situation, do you think that now is¿?

  • A very good moment to save 100
  • A fairly good moment to save 50
  • Not a good moment to save -50
  • A very bad moment to save -100

  • Over the next 12 months, how likely is it that you save any money?

  • Very likely 100
  • Fairly likely 50
  • Not likely -50
  • Not at all likely -100

  • Which of these statements best describes the current financial situation of your household?

  • We are saving a lot 100
  • We are saving a little 50
  • We are just managing to make ends meet on our income 0
  • We are having to draw on our savings -50
  • We are running into debt -100

How likely are you to buy a car over the next 12 months? - Very likely 100 - Fairly likely 50 - Not likely -50 - Not at all likely -100

Are you planning to buy or build a home over the next 12 months (to live in yourself, for a member of your family, as a holiday home, to let etc.)? - Very likely 100 - Fairly likely 50 - Not likely -50 - Not at all likely -100

How likely are you to spend any large sums of money on home improvements or renovations over the next 12 months? - Very likely 100 - Fairly likely 50 - Not likely -50 - Not at all likely -100

Classification system

Respondents are categorized according to five criteria: income, occupation, education, age and sex.

Sector coverage

Consumer survey is compiled for consumers´ sector.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Consumer Confidence Indicator: The economic situation as perceived by consumers at a given time, concerning both the general economic situation in Denmark and the financial situation of the family.

Net Figure: An arithmetic average of balances i.e. the difference between positive and negative answers. The answers are weighted into a net figure.

Statistical unit

Persons and families.

Statistical population

Persons in the age group from 16-74 years residing in Denmark.

Reference area


Time coverage

Statistics covers the period from 1974 henceforward.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

The information is collected through the so-called omnibus surveys. The data are compiled as arithmetic average of balances i.e. the difference between positive and negative answers. The answers are being weighted into a net figure.

Reference period

The reference period is the calendar month.

Frequency of dissemination

Monthly and quarterly for quarterly questions.

Legal acts and other agreements

The survey is voluntary and therefore does not require a a legal act. The work is carried out in accordance with guidelines laid down by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN).

Cost and burden

A sample of 1,500 persons is questioned each month over the telephone. The interviews are fully conducted with approx. 67 %.


Additional information can be obtained by Statistics Denmark.