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Short Term StatisticsKasper Emil Dueholm Freiman
+45 23 45 47 32
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The purpose of the Construction Activity statistics is to describe the development of the activity in construction in Denmark. The statistics are among other things used to estimate the business trends in the construction sector. The principal figures, i.e. without geographic distributions, is comparable back to 1998 and onwards, but historical surveys for the construction activity is available back to 1916.
Statistical presentation
The quarterly construction statistics is a measurement of all construction activity demanding a building permit, stated in aggregated floor area in square meters and number of dwellings. The statistics are grouped by phase of construction, type of builder, type of building project and geographically, municipalities, regions and province. The statistics are published in the newsletter Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik (in Danish only) and in the Statbank.
The COVID-19 crisis should not have an impact on this statistic. We haves been in contact with several municipalities and the feedback is that their work registering construction in The Central Register of Buildings and Dwellings on which this statistic is based is not affected and continues as before.
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Statistical processing
The construction activity statistics are compiled on the basis of data extracted from the Central Register of Buildings and Dwellings and is updated quarterly. Data valuations (correct errors) and a number of controls (valuations of quality) are carried out. Furthermore, different diverted variables and delimitations are formed. There are both non-corrected figures ("raw" figures) and corrected figures (because of delayed reporting). The quarterly publications also contain a seasonally adjustment.
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The statistics are used by a wide range of users, from both the private and the public sector, news media and Eurostat. From the private sector users are mainly large companies and business organizations, while mainly ministries and municipalities represent the public sector.
Furthermore, The statistics are used as input in the national accounts statistics, published quarterly by Statistics Denmark to calculate the gross value added for the construction sector and as input in other parts of Statistics Denmark, e.g. to calculate rent.
Accuracy and reliability
In general, the latest figures for the construction activity must be regarded with reservations, because the data source is uncertain. The main source of inaccuracy is the delays in the municipality's data registrations in the Central Register of Buildings and Dwellings. The estimates made by Statistics Denmark attempt to address this problem. The model estimate the delays for the latest 18 months and revises the figures in respect hereof. The estimate is encumbered with uncertainty, because there is not a steady pattern in the size and causes of the delays.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics of construction are published quarterly (monthly as well as quarterly statistics). The statistics are published at the beginning of May, August, November and February. The punctuality is high and there are very few delays in relation to the scheduled dates.
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The greatest obstacle for the comparability over time is the change in 1981 from the survey-based statistic to the register-based statistic (BBR). It gives both a break in time series and a market extension of the descriptive variables, see the section on comparability over time.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published monthly in a Danish press release. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under Producer and Import Price Index for Commodities. For more information visit the subject page on Construction. It is also possible to purchase customized solutions through DST Consulting