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Statistical presentation

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Children and young persons with preventive measures

The statistics on preventive measures are published annually and updated every year. The statistics present information on relief measures, given to children, youth and families in need of special support, that are granted on basis of specific Articles of the Danish Act on Social Services and the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act. The statistics contain data on the number on measures and recipients. The data are distributed by age, sex, and type of measure. The data are also distributed by provinces and municipalities. The statistic is released in the StatBank Denmark and in the publication “Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik”.

Data description

The statistics on preventive measures are published annually and present information on relief measures, which the Danish municipalities grant to children, youth and families in need of special support on the basis of specific Articles of the Danish Act on Social Services and the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act. The statistics distribute and present data on the number of preventive measures, the number of recipients and the number of initiated measures in a given reference year. The data are furthermore classified by region, municipality, type of measure, age and gender.

The data are distributed and published in 4 statistical tables, titled ISBU01-ISBU04. Furthermore, data on preventive measures are also published in two statistical tables, titled BU43 and BU04A, which also contain data on placements of children and young people in out-of-home care.

The tables are published in the StatBank Denmark in the section Udsatte børn og unge and consist of the following tables:

  • ISBU01: Preventive measures during the year by municipality and measure (2015-2022)
  • ISBU02: Children and young people with preventive measures during the year by municipality and measure (2015-2022)
  • ISBU03: Initiated measures and support during the year by province and measure (2015-2022)
  • ISBU04: Active measures and support per 31st of December by province, measure, age and sex (2015-2022)
  • BU04A: Support to children and young people per 31st December (net statement) by region, measure, age and sex (2011-2022)
  • BU43: Children and young people who receive support per 31st December (share of 0-22-year-olds) by region, measure and age (2015-2022)
  • BU28: Public net expenditures for exposed children and young people by measure (2002-2020)

All of the statistical tables are based on individuals (0-22 years old) registered in the Statistics Denmark's accumulated register of children and young people, who have received a preventive measure or were/are placed in out-of-home care.

The table BU28 contains data on public net expenditures in connection to support measures, granted to children and young people.

‡The statistical tables, presenting data on children and young people, who have received a preventive measure or were/are placed in out-of-home care, are classified by municipality or province and the type of measure/support, that has been granted. A child or a young person can receive several measures simultaneously, and can thus occur as both receiving one or several preventive measures and being placed in out-of-home care at the same time. Such cases will though be calculated as only one case in the summary of total figures of children and young people, receiving preventing measures.

If a child or a young person has received one or several preventive measures in several municipalities at the same time, in such cases the person/case will be listed under all of the municipalities, which have granted a measure to the individual in question. However, such cases will be calculated as only one case in the summary of total national figures of children and young people, receiving preventing measures.

The age is calculated per 31st of December of the reference year.

Besides the 7 statistical tables, the statistics are also published as a registry available to researchers and ministries and a NYT article, authored in Danish and published by Statistics Denmark.

Public net expenditures in connection to measures granted to children and young people

This statistical table contains data on the public net expenditures in connection to the disadvantaged children and youth. The data stems from the accounts of municipalities and are stated on a yearly level according to the municipal price- and wage development. The expenditures are classified by following functional levels: 5.25.17 (Special day-care offers and special clubs), 5.28.20 (Places etc. for children and youth), 5.28.21 (Preventive measures for children and youth), 5.28.22 (Foster care), 5.28.23 (24-hour care centers for children and youth), 5.28.24 (Secured 24-hour care canters for etc. children and youth) 5.28.25 (Special day-care offers and special clubs) and 5.28.26 (Decisions and rulings according to the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act).

The table is published in the StatBank Denmark in the section Udsatte børn og unge as following: - BU28: Public net expenditures for disadvantaged children and young people classified by type of measure

For more information on the statistics, regarding the budgets and accounts of municipalities and regions, see Statistikdokumentation

Classification system

These statistics are grouped geographically by Regions, Provinces and Municipalities. In addition, the data are distributed by sex and following age groups: In ISBU04 and BU04A, following age groups are presented; 0-5 years of age, 6-11 years of age, 12-17 years of age and 18 years of age or older. I BU43 following age groups are presented; 0-17 years of age and 18-22 years of age.

Furthermore, the presented preventive measures are grouped on the basis of specific articles and paragraphs of the Danish Act on Social Services and the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act. These are grouped under following categories:

Early preventive measures Act on Social Services: § 11, stk. 3, 4, 6-8

Preventive measures granted on the basis of the Act on Social Services (Act on Social Service:s § 52, stk. 3, nr. 1-6, 8-9; §52.a, stk. 1; § 54; § 54a; §55, stk. 2; § 57a - § 57c; § 76, stk. 2, stk. 3, nr. 2-4, stk. 5, stk. 6, stk. 8)

Preventive measures granted on the basis of the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act (Act on Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency: § 12; § 13, stk. 1)

Sector coverage

Not relevant for these statistics.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Support measure: Social support given as actions or amounts granted to disadvantaged children and youth and their families.

Recipient of a measure: The person (a child or a young person) who is the cause of the given measure.

Preventive measure: Preventive effort in own environment, within family framework, given to prevent placement in out-of-home care.

Acting Municipality: The municipality, which rules/decides on providing assistance or support according to the Danish Act on Social Service.

Statistical unit

Active and initiated measures for persons (0-22 years), granted or active during the year, or active measures per 31st of December of the reference year.

Statistical population

Children and adolescent (0-22 year) receiving supportive measures in accordance to the Danish Act on Social Service and the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act - including children, who live outside of Denmark.

Reference area

These statistics cover all children and youth, who have received measures in accordance to specific Articles of the Danish Act on Social Service and the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act.

Time coverage

All of the statistical tables contain updated data for the period 2015-2022, except for BU04A, which contains updated data for the period 2011-2022.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Multiple measurement units are used in the compilation of the indicators, including:

  • Number of persons
  • Number of measures
  • Percentage
  • Share in percent.
  • Expenditures calculated in DKK million

Reference period

31th of December each year

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Section 6 of the Danish Statistics Act. In addition, specific announcements relating to the individual registers used for the formation of the indicators. The statistics are not subject to EU regulation.

Cost and burden

These statistics are based on administrative data. There is thus no direct reporting burden in relation to the compilation of these statistics. Municipalities who supplement their records with manual reports do have a non-estimated report burden. Among other, the data are reported by providers such as KOMBIT, CGI and KMD.

All of the municipalities experience a degree of work burden connected to the yearly process of data validation.


For further information, contact Statistics Denmark. For more information, see emneside.