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Child care in private kindergartens before school start

Information on enrolled children and staff with educational responsibilities is received electronically from the municipal administrative systems and private payroll providers. Data validation is conducted, and the data may potentially be adjusted as a result of this process.

Source data

The data for the statistics comes from several different sources but can be divided into three types: data on enrolled children, data on employed staff, and data on daycare institutions. Both data on enrolled children and daycare institutions are obtained from the municipal placement systems. Information about staff is related to salary payments. For private daycare institutions with an external payroll provider, data is obtained from there, while institutions that do not use an external provider are responsible for submitting the data themselves.

To correct for maternity leave, data from the Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension (ATP) regarding the payment of benefits related to maternity leave is used.

For educational calculations, Statistics Denmark's own statistical register on education is also used, including the Student Register, the Qualifications Register, and the Register of Highest Completed Education. Additionally, information about the municipality of residence is retrieved from Statistics Denmark's population register.

Frequency of data collection

Data for children and institutions are collected monthly, while maternity leave data and payroll data are collected annually.

Data collection

Data on daycare institutions and enrolled children are provided through a system-to-system solution from the municipalities' placement systems.

Private daycare institutions may use an external payroll system. If this is the case, the payroll system delivers data to Statistics Denmark. This leaves a smaller group of private daycare institutions that do not have a payroll system provider. These institutions submit data manually through a form submission solution on Statistics Denmark's website.

Data validation

Several overlap checks are conducted on data for enrolled children in private daycare institutions with data from other statistics. This ensures that a child is not included in multiple statistics simultaneously or overlaps with other childcare types. If a complete overlap is identified for the same period — such as a case where a child is also registered in municipal daycare — the child is removed from the private daycare data, as data quality from municipal and independent institutions is considered superior.

Child data is also checked to determine if a new enrollment in a private daycare overlaps with a previous enrollment in another private daycare. In such cases, the earlier enrollment is adjusted to end the day before the new one begins.

An overlap check with school statistics is also performed. If a child is found to be enrolled in school, they are removed from the private kindergarten statistics, as it is most likely that the kindergarten has not yet updated the child’s status despite the child having started school.

To be included in the statistics, enrolled children must also appear in Statistics Denmark's population register; otherwise, they are removed. An age check is conducted to verify that children are not too old to attend daycare.

Additionally, inconsistencies between variables are investigated, such as checking the child’s age at the time of enrollment in relation to the institution type.

Data compilation

To be implemented


No further adjustments are made to the data beyond those mentioned in sections 3.4 and 3.5.