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Short Term Statistics
Paul Lubson
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Census of Buildings

With some exceptions the data are consistent back to January 1, 1986(see comparability over time). A complete comparability with the statistic of constructions is, for several reasons, not possible.

Comparability - geographical

There are not carried out any international comparisons with corresponding statistics, among other things because many other countries do not have a corresponding statistics.

Comparability over time

To make statistics on the stock of buildings was made possible when the Central Register of Buildings and Dwellings Register was established, April 1, 1977. Statistics Denmark published statistics on the stock of buildings April 1, 1977 and January 1, 1981. From January 1, 1986 Statistic Denmark has produced figures every year.

With the following exception the data are consistent back to January 1, 1986: - From 1981-1987 the type of ownership was not maintained by linking data with the Real Property Taxation Register, but only due to the municipal administration of building and development cases. - Before 1st of January 2005 the statistics do not include buildings where a buildings dwelling and industrial area together differs more than 10 square meters from the buildings total area.
- From 2001 the Census of Buildings also include "small buildings" (garages, carports and outhouses).

Coherence - cross domain

A complete comparability with the statistic of constructions is, for several reasons, not possible: The statistics on the buildings stocks contain information on the number of buildings and the total building space January 1, indicating knowing the construction year of the buildings. The difference in the number of buildings and total building space between two years is a net figure (new construction and demolitions). The statistics on constructions give a gross figure for the number of new buildings and their total buildings space. Furthermore, if no building permit has been obtained, changes in information, e.g. between occupations for residence or non-residence, is undertaken directly in the stock of buildings.

Coherence - internal

There are no sources of internal inconsistencies.