Statistical processing
Information is collected from two registers: the Central Register of Livestock and the Register of Cattle. In the Central Register of Livestock every single animal is registered with an individual number, birthday and sex and so on. These data are linked with data from the Register of Cattle about whether the heifers are with calf or not. When all data are validated, they are grouped by type, age and geography.
Source data
Information is collected from registers.
- The Central Register of Livestock , which is administrated by the Ministry of Environment and Food
- The Register of Cattle, which are owned and administrated by SEGES.
The Central Register of Livestock (CHR) is the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration's database for registration of herds and livestock. CHR has a variety of applications, where the main thing is veterinary, as help to a rapid and effective detection of infection by outbreaks of diseases such as BSE or foot-and-mouth disease. Therefore the control with the information in the register is very high. In the register every single animal has an unit number (CKR number) which consists of a livestock number and an individual number inside the livestock. The register consists of information on among others birthdays, sex and used fore example dairy cattle and beef cattle. Each animal is associated with a CHR number, and each CHR number is linked to a property (matrikel number) and thus to a fixed geographical location. The CHR is regularly updated with information from the Cattle Database on the entry and exit of animals on the individual properties (purchase / sale of animals, calving, slaughtering, export of the animal and dead animals), as well as with information on suppliers and buyers of cattle. Furthermore, the departure of slaughter animals is verified by the slaughterhouses and the dead animals by the destruction facilities. Read more about CHR on the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration's website.
The Register of Cattle contains basic data from the CHR and data which are reported by the cattle farmers or transferred from others: The Cattle Breeding Association Viking, dairies, slaughterhouses, DAKA, ear-brand manufacturers and veterinarians. is a comprehensive system which mainly serves the farmer in the daily work. The Register of Cattle mainly serves the cattle farmers as a tool to best manage the farm with a view to achieving good operation. Furthermore, all statutory registrations on each individual animal are transferred to CHR, ie. information from the Cattle Database updates the CHR.
In connection with the preparation of the statistics, CHR data is supplemented with information on the heifers age and about whether it is in calf (pregnancy) from the Register of Cattle. A heifer in calf (pregnancy) is defined as she is in calf or is inseminated more than 3 months ago.
Frequency of data collection
Data is collected quarterly.
Data collection
Data comes from administrative registers.
Data validation
All data is received at farm level identified via the CHR number. All data are received at farm level identified via the CHR number. In addition, when receiving data at the farm level, a summarized inventory of numbers is also received: bulls and steers as well as heifers by age, dairy cows, suckler cows, cows in total, and finally cattle in total. After the data processing (see possibly next section), the aggregated data generated by Statistics Denmark is validated with the summed statement received from CHR. The quarter's figures are also compared with data from the latest statement and the same time the year before.
Data compilation
The herd of cattle is divided into male and female animals according to their age. Cows are divided into dairy cows and cows kept for suckling. The herd of cattle is classified to 12 sub-groups. The herd of cattle is divided geographically by province. There are 11 sub-groups.
There is no corrections of data.