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Short Term Statistics
Karina Moric Ingemann
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Car Register and Publications

The Statistics includes monthly and yearly calculations of current and historical information’s about vehicles and their owners. The most significant calculations of the newly registered vehicles, is their use for assessment of households and businesses use and investments. Important information’s about the vehicles is type, use, model and variant, weight and fuel type, owner/user relationship, geographic location as well as purchase price. Stock figures, new registrations and used car trade are calculated, as well as energy efficiency, families' availability of cars and car purchases.

Data description

The car register was established in 1992. It contain both current, as well as historical, data for the vehicles that were active at the start of the register as per 1 of January 1992 and those that have since been added. Until June 2012, the register’s data came from the Central Register of Motor Vehicles (CRM) and then from the Digital Motor Register (DMR). The changes have not had a significant impact on the car register, and there has been no effect in relation to data breaches in the continuously published series. DMR contains quite a few more variables than CRM, and there is therefore the possibility of new statements for vehicles registered after DMR’s establishment.

The car register is today a database with approx. 400 tables, containing new and historical information on vehicles subjects to registration and their owners and users.

The register does not contain vehicles that do not have to be registered, for example contractors' supplies or military vehicles. Certain other vehicles that have to be registered are, however, not included in the register, for example, some of the vehicles belonging to the police and vehicles only used within closed areas such as ports and airports.

Looking at the households, the ownership figures can be supplemented to cover the entire population, while industries can be supplemented to cover all enterprises.

The most important variable about the individual vehicle is its type and use (car, van, bus, truck, etc.), manufacturer, model and variant, weight and propellant/fuel type, owner and user relationship and geographical location.

The most important variables used to describe the entire populations' family relations are the type of family, dwelling, education, income, employment title and geographic location.

The most important variables used to describe the enterprises are type of enterprise (business sector) and geographic location. It is possible to collect data on the number of employees and turnover.

The publications from the car register: In the publications, calculations are made of the size of the vehicle fleet and its composition as well as calculations concerning changes in the form of new registrations, re-registrations and changes in ownership. Calculations are also made of the energy efficiency of newly registered private cars, their value and concerning the population's access to vehicles.

  • “Newly registered motor vehicles” is published monthly with statement of new registrations in provisional and seasonally adjusted figures.
  • For private cars and vans, inventories of stocks are published divided by propellant/fuel type, user’s municipal locations.
  • Stocks figures and used cars are also calculated monthly. For cars and vans, statement of new registrations are published, distributed by propellant/fuel type, user sector and user’s municipal location.
  • Detailed calculations of size and composition of the car park at the end of the year (Motor Park), including e.g. geographical divisions that are made once a year.
  • Calculations of newly registered private cars’ energy efficiency (km/litre) and net weight are carried out once a year.
  • Once a year, calculations are made that clarify all families in Denmark regarding their availability of or purchase of vehicles (passenger cars, leasing cars, company cars and vans for private use). The statements are distributed according to geography and demographics (family type, income ratio, education ratio, housing ratio, place of residence/geographic location, employment ratio).

Classification system

Private cars by segment. Segmentation of private cars is primarily done by an evaluation of dimensions of the given vehicles (length, width and height), but weight, engine effect and equipment can also been taken into account. The segmentation is aimed to be as objective as possible.

There are the following segments: Mini, Small, Medium, Large, Small SUV (Special Utility Vehicle), Large SUV, Small MPV (Multi Purpose Vehicle), Medium MPV, Large MPV, Sport, Executive and Luxury and Other.

In the publications Small and Large SUV are added to SUV, Small, Medium and Large MPV are added to MPV, while Sport, Executive, Luxury and Other are added to Other.

The complete list of segments by make and model is here List of segments

Sector coverage

The car register consist of all existing and former registered vehicles and the persons/families and enterprises who have a relationship to the vehicles as owners or users.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Vehicle stock: Number Vehicles with registration numbers counted at a given point in time

User: The registered user of the vehicle. Can be in the sector households or business.

Used Car Sale or Second Hand Sale: Transactions with used or second hand vehicles consist of re-registrations of used vehicles and owner shifts of already registered vehicles.

Bus: Motor vehicle for passenger transport with 9 passengers or more excl. driver.

Caravan: Part of other vehicles. Trailer equipped with sleeping facilities etc.

Fuel type: Motor vehicles are registered with on of following fuel types: gasoline, diesel, gas, electricity, plugin hybrid, hydrogen, methanol, ethanol

Owner: The registered owner of the vehicle. Can be in the sector households or business.

Business Sector: Owner and user of a vehicle belong either to private households or to business sector. The business sector consist of the owners/users whom in the register are identified by an enterprise identification number (CBR-number).

Business leasing of vehicle: Leasing, where the lessee (user of the vehicle) is a company, which is not the same company as the leasing company (the owner of the vehicle).

Re-registration in the DMR: Registration of vehicle in the Digital Motor Register (DMR), with a new registration number of a previously registered vehicle or imported used vehicle.

Household: Owner and user of a vehicle belong either to private households or to business sector. Households consist of the owners/users whom in the register are identified by personal identification number (CPR-number).

Price: The price cover the amount of money incl. taxes etc. that the buyer pay for the new car. For all buyers it sums to the total investment.

Vehicle: The car register and the publications contain vehicles that must be registered before their use on the public road net.

Truck or Lorry: Motor vehicle for goods transport. Gross weight over 3,500 kg.

Leasing of vehicle: A set up, where a leasing company owns a vehicle which is leased to another user. The user can be a private person or a company.

Motor Vehicle: Part of vehicles; in the publications all vehicles with engine. I.e. passenger cars, vans, busses, lorries an road tractors, tractor, motor bikes and mopeds.

NEDC: New European Driving Cycle, old EU standard to measure fuel economy.

New registration in the DMR: A new vehicle's first registration in the Digital Motor Register (DMR). Imported used vehicles are re-registered.

Private leasing of vehicle: Leasing, where the lessee (user of the vehicle) is a private person.

Trailer: Part of other vehicles. Vehicle without engine for goods transport. Can be hauled by all motor vehicles except mopeds.

Registration in the DMR: In any transaction regarding a registration of a vehicle in the Digital Motor Register (DMR), for example registration of a new vehicle or change of owner, new data is registered in the DMR. If data from a previous registration is present, its validity is terminated.

Semi-trailer: Part of other vehicles. Vehicle without engine for goods transport. Normally hauled by road tractor, but can be hauled by lorry as well.

Road Tractor: Motor vehicle for hauling of semi-trailers.

Supply of Passenger Cars to Business Sector: The supply of passenger cars to business is a sum of new registrations in business (as owners) exclusive leasing vehicles but inclusive the leasing companies vehicles for own use and leasing of new vehicles in business (as users).

Supply of Passenger Cars to Households: The supply of passenger cars to households is a sum of new registrations in households (as owners) and private leasing in households (as users).

Tractor: Part of motor vehicle. Vehicle for use in farming or road construction etc.

Van: Motor vehicle for goods transport. Gross weight up to 3,500 kg.

WLTP: Worlwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure, new EU standard to measure fuel economy.

Other Vehicles: Part of vehicles; vehicles without engine. I.e. trailers and semi-trailers, caravans, working vehicles.

Statistical unit

  • The calculations of new registrations, used car sales and stock figures use number of vehicles.
  • The calculations of families purchase or access to cars use the family.
  • The calculations of energy efficiency use km/litre etc. that show the available distance on 1 litre of fuel.
  • The calculations of emissions use gram CO2 / kilometre.
  • The calculation of the value of new registered private cars use the price incl. taxes etc. that the buyer pay for the car.

Statistical population

Active and former registered vehicles with owners and users in the form of persons/families or enterprises. Persons/families and enterprises without vehicles.

Reference area

The publications covers all Denmark excluding Faroe Islands and Greenland.

Subdivisions on regions, municipalities, postal codes or own areas are possible in the field of paid services.

Time coverage

The register contain data for the vehicles which was registered at the beginning of the register in January 1992 and the vehicles that since then has been registered.

Monthly publications.

  • Series for new registrations in real figures since 1992
  • Series for supply and leasing of passenger cars since 2007
  • Seasonally adjusted series for new registrations and supply of passenger cars since 2007
  • Series for owner shifts, re-registrations, used car sales and stock of vehicles since 2000

Yearly publications.

  • Series for energy efficiency for new passenger cars since July 1997
  • Series for families purchase of passenger cars and vans since 1999
  • Series for families access to one or more vehicles (passenger cars, company cars and private vans) since 1999
  • Series for stock of vehicles since 1993
  • Series for the value of newly registered passenger cars; from and including 2004

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

  • Pieces (number of vehicles) are used in the calculations of new registrations, stocks and used vehicle trade.
  • In the calculations of families' car purchases and availability, the number of families is used.
  • In the calculations of energy efficiency, km/litreetc. are used.
  • In the calculations of emissions, grams of CO2 / kilometre are used.
  • In the calculations of the value of new registered private cars, million Danish Kroner is use million.

Reference period

The car register: The reference times for calculations based on the register are optional (from 1992), since new registrations and used car trade can be calculated for an optional period, just as stocks inventories can be done at an optional time. Calculations on transactions are normally carried out monthly or yearly while stock figures are carried out pr. ultimo month/year. * The publications:* The series regarding new registrations, used car trade and stocks, which are behind the various publications thereof, are updated from 25-36 months behind once a month.

  • "Newly registered motor vehicles" in News from Statistics Denmark contains preliminary figures for the current month, current month-12, last year and year-1 and the current year to date. Added to this are seasonally adjusted figures for the past 6 months.
  • The series in the Statistics Bank with stocks, new registrations and used car trade as well as seasonally adjusted values are updated monthly, at the latest with values for the current month.
  • The "Motor park" in the Statistics Bank contains stocks at the end of the most recent accounting year (as of 31 December).
  • The statements regarding energy efficiency includes new registrations in the most recent annual period, i.e. July-June.
  • The statements regarding the population car availability/car purchase takes place at the end of the year (per 31 December)/for the past year.
  • The statements regarding the value of newly registered passenger cars is determined at the end of the first quarter of the past year.

Discrepancies in reference time: There may be temporal inconsistencies due to the differences between the timeliness of the car statistics and the calculation times for the background variables in the registers with which the car register is combined. The background variables from the population statistics register (including geography) can thus be up to 12 months old, while the income information can be up to 2 years old.

Frequency of dissemination

The register: The register is updated once a month with deliverance of copies of DMR’s data base tables, meaning current and historical data.

Data from DMR are extracted during the night of the second day in the month following the reference month.

The Danish Road Traffic Authority deliver MOT data monthly on the first working day after the reference month, and they include kilometre observations.

The publications:

  • The monthly articles in News from Statistics Denmark and the series in StatBank Denmark are published twelve times a year.
  • The annual article in News from Statistics Denmark and StatBank Denmark concerning stock figures for the entire vehicle fleet is published annually.
  • The annual article in News from Statistics Denmark and StatBank Denmark concerning the energy efficiency (km/l) and own weight of newly registered passenger cars is published annually.
  • The article in News from Statistics Denmark concerning all families in Denmark and their access to one or more vehicles is published every second year and annually in StatBank Denmark.
  • The annual article in News from Statistics Denmark and StatBank Denmark concerning the value of newly registered passenger cars is published annually.

Legal acts and other agreements

The data in the car register are collected with reference to Section 6 in the Act on Statistics Denmark (Lov om Danmarks Statistik), cf. Order no. 599 of 22 June 2000 with later amendments. Law on Statistics Denmark, in Danish.

The car register is not subject to any specific EU regulation, but data are supplied to the national accounts, which are regulated by Council Regulation (EC) No. 549/2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the Community.

Cost and burden

The register is based on administrative data. There is therefore no direct reporting burden in connection with the calculation of this register. Data is collected from the Tax/Motor Authority in DMR.


Other information can be found on the subject page of the statistics, or it can be obtained by contacting Statistics Denmark.