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Business Enterprise Research and Development (BERD)

The statistics is compiled according to the guidelines of the Frascati Manual and the EU Regulation. There are no other comparable Danish R&D-statistics, but the Danish statistics is comparable to the R&D statistics from other EU-member states and OECD-countries. The statistics is from 2007-2016 comparable. There was a break in time series from 2016 to 2017. From 2017-2021 the statistics is comparable.

Comparability - geographical

The statistics is compiled according to the guidelines of the Frascati Manual and the Regulation. The statics is comparable with R&D statistics for other countries. The sample is drawn on a regional level and statistics on regional level is comparable.

Comparability over time

The statistics have been compiled since 2007 and are largely comparable in the period from 2007 until 2016. However, a data breach in time has been found from 2016 to 2017 as a result of a clarification of the definitions that follow from the update of the Frascati Manual 2015.

Data are provided to the EU Statistical Office and the OECD, both publish aggregated data in their databases. The statistics have been collected as part of an EU regulation which, among other things, describes which variables are to be delivered and for which groupings (e.g. size and industry), and the statistics are thus comparable with other EU countries' corresponding inventories.

As of the 2009 statistics, recent years are published as preliminary figures to thereby ensure that experiences and information from the latest data collection and statistics production are also included in the processing of the data material.

Coherence - cross domain

There are no other comparable Danish statistics. The results can be compared to other EU countries, since there is a harmonized methodological foundation.

Coherence - internal

There is a high degree of internal coherence in the data due to the routings of the web-based questionnaire and the intense validation process.