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Government FinancesJeppe Føge Jensen
+45 40 22 58 23
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In general, the statistics on budgets and the accounts for municipalities and region are used for three purposes. Firstly, as input data to the national accounts for government expenditure and revenue and other statistics in Statistics Denmark. Secondly, as planning tool by the Government, i.e. in the yearly economic agreements between the central Government and the municipalities and regions. Thirdly, as source in social science and the public and political debate.
User Needs
The users are among others the municipalities and regions, ministries, interest organizations, the media, politicians, private businesses, and private people. The accounts are also used in a number of other areas, including national accounts for government expenditure and revenue, public planning purposes, such as the annual financial agreements between the government and KL and Danske Regioner, business cycle monitoring, and public debate. The statistics in also used in the culture- and social statistics in Statistics Denmark.
User Satisfaction
Statistics Denmark continuously evaluates the statistics with users in the Ministry of the Interior and Health, the Ministry of Finance, KL and the Danish Regions. Users can also contact Statistics Denmark to express their opinion.
Data completeness rate
The statistic is not covered by EU requirements.