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Statistical presentation

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Board members and managers

The statistics of board members and managers shows active members in board and management of active enterprises in Denmark. It includes the private sector and all activity codes, but is limited to shareholder companies, Limited Liability Companies and entrepreneurship companies.

The former name of the statistics was “Members of boards and management”. The production method for the statistics remain unchanged. The data source is from the production year 2024 and onwards vastly improved compared to earlier.

Data description

The statistics of board members and managers shows active members in board and management of active enterprises in Denmark (shareholder company, Limited Liability company and entrepreneurship company). Entrepreneurship companies are only included until 2021, where the company type ceases to exist entirely. Furthermore it contains information about activity codes, enterprise sizes as well as information about the sex, age, education and the area of residence of the members.

A board member/manager is defined as a person who is registered as a member of the board/management of the company. A person in the administrative register with a role as member of the board. A person can participate in the management of more than one company, and the statistic is therefore aggregated to member level and not persons. The Statistic contains active members. They must must have joined as a member in or before the reference year, and be active by the end of the reference year. Furthermore there is a distinction between identifiable persons, who have personal ID numbers, and other members. For other members their sex is estimated based on their given name, but it is not possible to know their age, education or residence. Some members - such as accountants or liquidators - are excluded from the statistic.

Classification system

The statistics are published on age, education, sex and residence province for the board members and directors. Further information on the board members are also published, including number of board memberships, election type and board member status. Information on the companies behind the board members and directors include NACE sector, enterprise size and enterprise status.

Sector coverage

The statistics covers all activity codes in the private sector.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Board member: A person who is a member, deputy or chairman of the board in an active enterprise.

Manager: A person who is a member of the executive board, a CEO or a director of an active enterprise.

Statistical unit

The statistics is published on member level.

Statistical population

The population includes board members and managers of active enterprises in Denmark, in the private sector with the enterprise forms shareholder company, Limited Liability company and entrepreneurship company.

Board members includes persons who are members, deputies or chairmen of the board. Mangers includes persons who are members of the executive board, CEO's or directors.

Reference area


Time coverage


Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Number of members

Reference period

Calendar year.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

The statistics are solely based on administrative registers.

Cost and burden

The response burden is zero, since the statistics are solely based on administrative registers.


Further information can be obtained on the subject page for the statistics or by contacting Statistics Denmark.