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Statistical presentation

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Food Industries
Henrik Bolding Pedersen
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Agricultural investments

The statistics are a yearly calculation of the investments and depreciations of the the agricultural sector by type of investment and both at current and constant prices.

Data description

The statistics contain a compilation of the value of investments of the agricultural sector. The agricultural investments are compiled at both current and constant prices (2015-prices).

When investing a firm increases and improves its capacity of production with the aim of obtaining a higher output and earning or in order to meet legal requirements on e.g. environment and animal welfare.

The agricultural investments consist of three main types:

Farm buildings, which e.g. could be animal houses for cattle and pigs, silos for cereals and green houses.

Machinery and equipment, which e.g. include tractors, milking machines and slurry silos.

Land improvements, e.g. planting of new fruit trees and draining of the land.

While a firm invests also a deterioration of the capital stock takes place. The value of this deterioration is called depreciations, and the difference between depreciations and investments is called net investments.

Classification system

The investments, depreciations and net investments are distributed by type of investments:

  • Farm buildings
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Plantations and land improvements

Farm buildings are further divided into:

  • Animal houses for cattle
  • Animal houses for pigs
  • Other farm buildings

Sector coverage

Agriculture, including horticulture.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Standard output: The average value of the agricultural output at farm-gate price, in euro per hectare or per head of livestock.

EURO loans: A euro loan is a loan in euro obtained through a Danish credit institute.

Statistical unit

Investments are calculated at million Danish kroner, both at current and constant prices. 2015 is pt. the base year for the calculation at constant prices.

Statistical population

All agricultural farms in Denmark.

Reference area


Time coverage

These statistics cover the time period from 2005 and onwards.

Base period

The investments are calculated at current and constant prices with 2015 as the base year.

Unit of measure

Million Danish kroner

Reference period


Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

EU1217/2009 is the basic act about Denmarks responsibility towards EU's Farm Accountancy Data Network, FADN, supplemented by EU1198/2014. The collection of data from the accountants are based on acceptance from the farmer. A register of farms from which there are acceptance are kept by Statistics Denmark.

Another important regulation is EU2015/220 with later amendments. This implementing regulation defines the farm return tables. EU1915/83 defines dates and payment for data.

Cost and burden

No response burden is estimated as participation in the survey is voluntary.


For more information see Agricultural economics.