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Business Dynamics
Jeppe Strandgaard Herring
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Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector

Applications: studies of business economics, regional finance studies, primary data for the Danish national accounts and for Eurostat's structural business statistics. Users: Public authorities, Eurostat, employers' and employees' federations, private firms, politicians, economists, scientist, journalists and students.

User Needs

Users: Public authorities, Eurostat, employers' and employees' federations, private firms, politicians, scientists, economists, journalists, students.

Applications: studies of business economics, regional finance studies, primary data for the Danish national accounts and for Eurostat's structural business statistics.

User Satisfaction

The statistics have many users and are widely used. Users are particularly pleased to use the statistics as it is the most basic source of information for industry's general structural development.

Data completeness rate

The accounting statistics cover a large part of Denmark's deliveries to Eurostat in the SBS area (Structural Business Statistics) and live up to the requirements. Nationally, the accounting statistics are published in more detail than is required in deliveries to Eurostat.