Statistical presentation
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The Account Statistics for Fishery covers the commercially fishery by fishing vessels registered in Denmark. The statistics is based on vessel units and is calculated for groups of fishing vessels (fleet segments) based on vessel size and main gear use.
Data description
The Account Statistics for Fishery specifies the factor input, production and sales revenue (value of landings), costs and operating profit, together with assets, liabilities, investments and financing. The results are calculated as totals and per vessel unit. The statistics is presented for the whole population, for vessel length groups, and for vessels grouped by length and fishing type.
Classification system
In the statistics vessels are grouped by length and by combinations of length and fishing type.
The length groups are: less than 12 m / 12.0-14.99 m / 15.0-17.99 m / 18.0-23.99 m / 24.0-39.99 m / 40 m and above.
The fishing types are: Net/hook / Trap setters / Trawlers / Danish seiners / Industrial trawlers / Other trawlers / Pursesein & trawlers / Shrimp beamtrawlers / Musseldredgers.
Sector coverage
The Account Statistics covers commercially fishery by fishing vessels registered in Denmark. All company owned and personally owned fishing vessels are included. For the Danish national statistics a threshold is used to separate less active vessels from the population.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Degree of profitability: Operating profit minus Remuneration to owners as per cent of the average Fixed assets for the year.
Assets: Fixed assets and financial assets. Fixed assets are measured by net book value, which is basically the difference between the historical cost of the asset and its associated depreciation. An exception is the value of fishing rights which is calculated using yearly estimated shadow prices for each fish species/quota stocks. Calculation of the capital value of fishing rights have been subject to changes from the first handing out of individual quotas to fishing firms (VQS vessel quota shares).
Gross output: Gross output consist mainly the total value of the production (value of landings) but include also other fishery income such as additional payment from co-operative enterprises. payment between partners in case of pair trawling, subsidies for instance due to temporary decommission, compensation for participation in research fishery, or income from rent out of quotas within the year.
Other sources includes secondary fishing income such as leasing or rent out of vessels or other operative assets, salvage money etc. Provisions (fish for own consumption) is calculated for owner and crew.
Costs: Costs include fuel, ice, provisions and stores, landings and sales costs, rent, insurance and administration etc., maintenance, depreciations and wage expenses.
Net profit: Net profit is the result after financial expenses and company taxes. Net profit provide remuneration to owners and return on net capital.
Investment: Investment for the year, purchase minus sale of fixed assets.
Operating margin: Operating profit minus Remuneration to owners as a per cent of Gross output
Liabilities: An accounting expression for how the assets are financed.
Operating profit: Gross output minus Cost (operating expenses) = Result before Financial expenditures.
Solvency: Net capital (Owner's equity) as per cent of Total assets, end of year.
Statistical unit
The statistical unit is the production unit, that might contain one ore more vessels with the same owner. The production unit has to have a gross output that is larger than the threshold, for the statistics. If the owner has more than one vessel above the threshold, the vessels will form separate production units.
Statistical population
The population covers 98 per cent of the total value of Danish fishery. The population is cut off by a threshold on minimum value of catches for the year.
Reference area
Time coverage
These statistics cover the time period from 2009 and onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
Different units for different variables. Economic variables in Danish crown DKK. Factor input: Vessel capacity in Gross tonnage and over all length in meters. Diesel oil in liters. Effort and labour in Days at Sea and Man*hour. Catches in kilogram (live weight)
Reference period
Reference period is the calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Council Regulation (EC) no. 2017/1004 on collection of economic data for fisheries and Commission Regulation no. 2019/910 specify the detailed rules for application. The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries has the authority given by the Danish Fisheries act to collect the data, and has by agreement of April 23rd 2009 delegated the compilation of the statistics to Statistics Denmark.
Cost and burden
An individual cost of participation has not been estimated, as participation is optional. The accounting form is completed by the fisherman's accountant, who is guaranteed a fixed compensation for each completed account.
The account for a unit covers all economic activities during the operating year for the production unit, also for production units (vessels) that have shared ownership (joint owners/partners).
Production units with yearly revenue less than the threshold and units that are registered active less than six months during the year are placed in the residual population, for which no collection of accounts take place. Register data is available for all units in the residual population, and those are used for calculation of complementary data to produce the yearly Fleet Economic Report to EU (DG Mare). The Regulation on collection of fishery data does not permit use of threshold; therefore all production units must be included in the report, even units which have landed fish for only a few EUR.
For further information contact Statistics Denmark.