Statistical processing
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Labour MarketUwe Pedersen
+45 23 72 65 69
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The type of income in the e-income register is adjusted in-case of inconsistencies between the filing-entity and the type of income.
The total transfers are grouped into the different type of transfers by merging the e-income register with the register of people receiving public benefits.
Data on specifically 2020 and 2021 are supplemented with data from the Danish Business Authority on employer´s compensation on wages and salaries paid to staff, not able to work during the lockdown, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Source data
The main source is Statistics Denmark's e-Income Register. The information here is collected four months following the end of the tax year. In addition, the following registers in Statistics Denmark are used: Register of People receiving public benefits, Statistics Denmark's Central Business Register and Statistics Denmark's Register of Population Statistics.
Statistics Denmark's e-Income Register
For each employee the pay declaration slip contains information regarding all jobs, including amount and kind of income including cash benefits and the like, amount of ATP contributions (labour market supplementary pension contributions) and the amount withheld to A-tax (provisional tax). The E-Income Register, in this way, makes it possible to split the A-income into various income types, e.g. wages and salaries, unemployment benefits and social pensions. The E-Income Register also contains information about some kinds of B-income (other income than A-income, dividend from shares and tax free social pensions), e.g. unemployment benefits for self-employed.
Register of People receiving public benefits
For each individual person the register includes information about the duration of the periods in which the person participated in a labour market policy measure. The register contains information about persons who are insured against unemployment and receive unemployment benefits (exclusive holiday allowance benefits), recipients of cash benefits and early retirement benefits. This data is available on a weekly basis.
Statistics Denmark's Central Business Register
The register among others contains information on the company’s line of business, which is reported to the Tax Administration's e-Income Register.
Statistics Denmark Population Statistics Register
The Register of Population Statistics contains basic demographic information for the Danish population. The basis for the register is the Central Population Register.
Data on specifically 2020 and 2021 are supplemented with data from the Danish Business Authority on employer´s compensation on wages and salaries paid to staff, not able to work during the lockdown, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Frequency of data collection
Once a year.
Data collection
No collection. All information retrieved from registers in Statistics Denmark.
Data validation
Data from the e-income register is checked for inconsistencies between the entity paying out the wage or transfer and the type of income. The inconsistencies are rarely of a magnitude that would affect the statistics significant. The type of income is corrected in these cases.
Data compilation
Total a-income and total income after tax is taken directly from e-income register. Cash benefits and allowances paid from the unemployment funds are divided into subcategories. This is done by using the data from the register of People receiving public benefits. Data on specifically 2020 and 2021 are supplemented with data from the Danish Business Authority on employer´s compensation on wages and salaries paid to staff, not able to work during the lockdown, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
There is no correction of data.