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Labour force survey

Report to the Survey

Start survey


The deadline for the survey can be found in the material you have received.

About the survey

In order for the survey to be as representative as possible, it is very important that all participants respond. Participation is voluntarily, however, we do hope that you will participate in order to ensure the best possible documentation of the labour market.

The participants are chosen at random, and you are one of 36.000 persons who together will give us a picture of the entire population's labour market conditions. We have acquired your name and address from the Civil Registration System (CPR).

By responding to the survey, you consent to Statistics Denmark’s use of the provided information for statistics.


The Labour Force Survey is conducted together with the research company Epinion. You can read more about the survey at If you have questions, you are welcome to contact us in one of the following ways:

Remember to include your reference number in all communications.

Purpose of the survey

The survey describes the Danes' activity in the labour market, fx how many are employed, unemployed or outside the labour force. The results of the survey are used in Eurostat's and OECD's employment statistics.

Subject page: Labour force survey